The Sincerity Issue is a artwork commissioned by Sxema community for a Repeat electronic music festival.

The name explicitly reflects the message behind this piece, which situated to be a part of a personal story and evolved into 3D artwork. I wanted to show an angel-like person, wearing an aggressive mask made of metal, which serves as symbolic armor against emotional threats. The mask also hides her true intentions against her will. When you protect yourself with such armor, you inevitably start to lose the ability to express your true feelings and fall into cycle of some kind of a "hibernation".

The masked person is sleeping until moment when the light from nowhere crosses her eyelids and she immediately wakes up. This light symbolises a signal of attention from another person (a viewer), who's able to see something behind the mask and feel a potential connection on a deeper level. In order to respond to such a signal, the masked person has to remove her armor and become sincere and vulnerable. But she gives up on her bravery, the light goes away and history repeats.